Ffxiv how to vote kick. It was easier dealing with jerks and AFKers without any recourse (ie being helpless to deal with them). Ffxiv how to vote kick

It was easier dealing with jerks and AFKers without any recourse (ie being helpless to deal with them)Ffxiv how to vote kick  Take the number of times that you specifically have been abused by a vote kick system and then compare them to the number of times that you have NOT been abused by a vote kick system

248. Yesterday I saw a person (sub tank or off tank) who got vote kicked after Atomos room with the reason "AFK" when apparently he wasn't AFK!The buffs to Castrum actually quelled my own complaints about the content, but it’s also fair to judge other overlooked things like being able to kick undesirables. This is the second time it has happened to me. I presume I was being trolled or they wanted to ruin someone's day because nobody said anything the whole run, and besides the other players not being very good, the run was going alright. Institute a vote kick but make cut scenes unskipable. In any case, kicking requires other people to agree, so unless the people who vote yes were a premade party, there's usually a reason why someone was kicked and most of the time they seem to trust that even if they do look into reports for "misuse of the vote dismiss feature" (which is a reportable offense anyways). When you complete the quest, you will get an item, the Soul of the Paladin, which you equip (lowermost armory slot on the right side) and, when it is equipped, you will change to a paladin. " These dungeons are not hard, they require very little skill or effort to complete. And we kicked him 3 times just to have him re-queue and end up in our party again. Barley_Mob Jun 18, 2020 @ 9:07am. You leave the dungeon, which removes the cooldown for abandoning and said tank leaves without consequence, requeues into another roulette/dungeon for an instant queue. >>Common Placeholders: <t>, <target>, <1>-<8>. Today's Posts; Today's Posts (All) FAQ; Forum Actions. If you're in a duty, you can just press U and click Leave. Every group I'm in when people DC they don't wait, they vote kick them out instantly. etc. It's possible that the rest of his party were a group and felt That the kick feature is used to get your lots. We wiped, the vote passed, they got kicked at the very last. Cant vote kick for bad performance People can now troll by purpfully playing bad and making runs take super long. You can even use the translator function to rule out language barriers. The Vote kick System needs to be removed from the DF system it is currently being misused in every way this system as of now does more harm then it does good. Third time is kick. The GMs will see themselves who had initiated the vote kick and who accepted it. The design relies on players acting in good faith, so it's hard to say. Originally posted by Dyerektor: Originally posted by -Xfire-: Thank you dudes for your information:) Alt+F4. Institute a vote kick but make cut scenes unskipable. Assuming you are the party leader. Bard Lv 90. In order to kick another person with these limitations, a player must merely only start a confrontation with another in order to dismiss them. I personally think the vote abandon should only be an option after a set number of wipes. That means 2/3 for light parties and 4/7 for full parties (since the person whos being. * The above penalty does not apply when vote dismiss is used. You get automatically sent to the beginning of the dungeon as soon as you die, so not really. The cooldown penalty for abandoning a duty has been increased from 15 to 30 minutes. He wasn’t even the healer. BLM in party goes AFK. You can't kick until 5 minutes into the dungeon so we had to wait 3-4 minutes before he decided he was ready. Phxrebirth • Behemoth Server • 7 yr. From checking the official forums and reddit, this is an extremely common occurrence. The primary purpose of the tank is simply to draw enmity (or aggro) away from the party. My vote for worst is probably paladin. People are so easily pissed off in pvp. I don't know why everyone is so afraid to use something that's in game, it wouldn't be there if you weren't allowed to use it. Be courteous to your fellow party members and most of the time, they will be courteous back to you. I suggest putting the player name in quotes although I cannot yet confirm if it is really necessary. Reasons include AFK, Harassment, and Cheating. I noticed we had a thread for these about five months ago, but that's plenty of time for people to have new ones (or share…Yes, I know, I just pointed out that you left out critical details. (either party wipes and they get nothing or party succeeds and you get the same benefits. This IS a level 50 dungeon, we are not expected to be il100+ there after all. The cooldown penalty for abandoning a duty has been increased from 15 to 30 minutes. Now that that's established, I'd like to. Best. 3. . And yes, this type of stuff really does happen in other games. The GM wouldn’t do anything unless the mentor who kicked them, made a report saying it was a mistake. Vote kicks have a number of factors in them but the main one is player personalities. • 5 yr. They will then not roll on the loot. Warrior's base class is Marauder and uses a Two-handed Axe. . People have proven to me they can't handle it so there should be a few rules. Either or. A warning will appear in the top-right of the screen after 20 minutes have passed, and the notification will remain until five more. No way to kick anyone in a duty,. People abuse vote kick. To give a serious answer GMs (Game Masters) are people hired by Square Enix to serve as customer support when things break in game or people get harassed/stalked. Forum Top. We should probably conjure up a list which consists of everything that's abusable with these 2 systems, and with the solutions! For all it's worth, it might give SE ideas. * The above penalty. I’m still new to healing but have some experience under my belt. About Kotaku and games. 1 hour 4 man poharan just to realize that our party leader is a ---- to change loot options. ago. My two fellow FC members can. Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by. Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv •. The only time I have seen it truely abused is when there are premade groups that target others for gaurenteed kicks, there was a group of 3 that did this in DF constantly and eventually got a temporary ban. Press O and if you're party leader, there's a kick option. That means someone can easily idle and the other players have no means to get rid of them. This week, there was a player in Delubrum that deliberately walked into mechanics to die. Copy Name to Clipboard. <above the system>FFXIV Tank Job - Warrior. NCSOFT is worried about potential abuse however, the system is already being abused as it is. All of us were all first timer, so we had little knowledge about. The fact that people just vote Yes to anything that comes up is ludicrous. We wiped about 2 times. Probably a bit of a newbie question - I play the game on and off, am up to level 80 on a few roles, have never been kicked from a party before. The other dps said ''don't! wait we are together here'' but tank already pressed. my examples were all in dungeons but what avout a farm party or a prog party. I was doing Main Scenario roulette and got Praetorium yesterday. Nothing good comes from this. 1) Everyone in the party can start a vote-kick, not just the leader. He did shut up about it, but it. After we beat it one of the dps said that it had to go. Insubordination at its finest. post a message in chat for the kick reason. This was in a dungeoun roulette mind you. Just be sure to do it during peak hours. We're forced to run certain instances. New abandon/vote kick timers? : r/ffxiv - Reddit. There were no deaths, pty never wiped and they kicked me right before final boss to grief me. After we all wiped, i used the slap emote on…So, I see a lot of people spiritbonding in CM which is cool because i'm one of those people. Protip; Hold the FN key. The vote to kick a member does not need to be unanimous, but it does need to be. Step 2: Find a message that the. Displays coordinates of current location. Last night I was doing a Brayflox HM on the DF. That way the only reason someone should be kicked is for being a Leecher and or a dbag. I voted "NO" but it didn't matter. (it was vote kick Abuse stuff she was out of mp due to panic unleashing during the zombie jellyfish things and npc getting hate. The payload moves automatically when a team member is near it, but stops when an enemy is nearby. Yes, abuse of the kick system is a reportable and actionable offense. It is available for Blue Mage . Reply replyOh, I'm not suggesting that you take the abuse. Even if it rarely works, people will still try. Its halatali, chill the fuck out. If you make any attempt to actually play your job in dungeons and/or respond to feedback, you're pretty good to go. Vote kick! SE, not having a vote kick is becoming rather old and tedious at end game. I've been playing for over a year now, and just recently got kicked for first time. This wasn't the only incident I've wanted to report during the last month or so, the amount of douchebags in the game seems to be rising and some people just act like dicks and abuse the kick system that only requires two votes, hurting new players and their experience. Dlinnohvost May 2, 2015 @ 7:12pm. If someone pisses you off, just ignore them. AFKing in Prae is a kickable offense and I'll initiate the votekick/vote yes. However, if they don't want to continue the dungeon and abuse the vote kick feature to go around the penalty ("kick me pls"), then that's a different story. [Rant] Vote-kick abuse : r/ffxiv - Reddit. FFXIV - Vote for the Best Game Community at the Golden Joystick Awards 2023. The only way to never get kicked off a PF is to never join PFs in the first place. You also get it if the DF pings and you withdraw three times in a day. have to wait 5 min to vote kick so usually that happens after 1st or 2nd boss depending on how try hard ppl go at it just rushing thru. my examples were all in dungeons but what avout a farm party or a prog party. Then they wipe 3 more times. So, with a duo in 4-man content, one says "kick this guy" and his buddy. ya get the idea. Takes the server a while to kick you out but I have been in TS with people who tell me, my character, was booted a while ago and It still gives the message. A proper team would assist the "weak link" player by support and communication. At the third attempt, a healer runs ahead and pulls nael. 2. If someone's trying to kick you, you get no notice (unless they say) unless the vote passes and you're kicked from the dungeon. I imagine the reason you can't kick during combat is vote-kick abuse. A function whereby players may vote to abandon a duty without being penalized is scheduled for patch 2. I got my first vote kick from a dungeon. >>Common Placeholders: <t>, <target>, <1>. level 2. AFKing in Prae is a kickable offense and I'll initiate the votekick/vote yes. Yes, abuse of the kick system is a reportable and actionable offense. Effectively, the tank functions as the leader of the party, and how the. Since I'm sure other players. Think for 5 seconds before making stupid, inane requests. Then I have to wait 4 hours to do it again? Next time someone disconnects everyone else wants to stand around for 10+ minutes. J Kick. That is why it should be used EXTREMELY carefully. especially when the one's doing the kicking are more of a jerk than the person being kicked. The objective is to escort a payload to the enemy’s goal, while preventing them from doing the same. None of those warrant expulsion due to gaming ability. World. With that said, this makes a loophole for anyone to freely abuse the vote kick without worrying about any repercussions. If they're sorry, just deal with it and hope they get better gear. Same place the loot notice pops up. Came back and continued to pvp. 2. . Depending on the duty being undertaken, there may be restrictions on the number of players allowed in a party, as well as their roles. And when you try to vote kick them out, suddenly they start moving and go feed enemy team. Sadly. Seems like every, and I mean, every time someone has called for a vote to abandon, was someone got butthurt, we wiped once, someone DCd and it took…Now with the next expansion on the horizon now is the time to talk about changes, specifically I want to talk about button bloat. Forum Top; English Forums; Community; General Discussion; And so begins the Vote-kick abuseI simply dont roll on loot so people dont kick me or anyone else. or just being an ass. I've seen people who, in 24 mans, don't participate during the first boss and immediately sprint to the treasure chest and open it. We start off just fine, then the tank goes crazy with the pulls and I literally can’t spam my heals fast enough to keep up. It was a pain the tank and MNK would between the 2 of them pull everything and take AOEs to the face so i had to switch to back up healer. you can't kick someone before 5 minutes expires on d/c, and it would be no different how you can't kick/ vote abandon till a time has passed. So with those 2 systems coming, maybe we can get an idea of how many broken stuff we can do and how SE can fix those issues. Originally Posted by Vyrerus. Take the number of times that you specifically have been abused by a vote kick system and then compare them to the number of times that you have NOT been abused by a vote kick system. Here you go: Report a case to the Special Task Force, at the bottom. Special Turntable Offer. Best thing to do when this happens is to cut your losses, disband, regroup and restart. In OP's case, by vote-kicking they are doing more harm to the person than that person could ever have done to them by "griefing" or "being incompetent". After Bone Dragon died, the SCH posted in PT chat he had to AFK for a while, he didn't know how long though, that we could kick him if needed. Good luck watching cutscenes or playing on PS3 without four jackasses kicking you out of the dungeon unless you're the tank. " It might not stop it. Only the first player who abandons the duty is subject to the penalty. Patch notes said 2. 391 votes, 137 comments. GM actually replied twice asking for additional information for the investigation. Even if it rarely works, people will still try. Even going as far as abusing a player and vote-kicking. You can vote kick and hope it gets through. They wanted to rush despite both myself and the other…Hello! I seem to remember from a while back that if someone initiates a vote kick in a dungeon that you would see both the name of the person being nominated as well as the person doing the nomination. It doesn't really come up much, though. It usually just says 'you have left the party. On PS3 you highlight their name in the party list (from the main menu not the one in that shows your enmity) press square and select vote kick. SE, not having a vote kick is becoming rather old and tedious at end game. #6. Foxclon has posted on the Japanese forums that Square Enix is planning to release a vote to kick feature in Final Fantasy XIV. We start the fights and the BLM is AFK throughout two of them, so we decide to kick her for being AFK (gave her ample time). The first step in kicking a party member in FFXIV is to right-click their name, then click “Vote Dismiss. When I ask why he was kicked…Vote kick is your get out for free card. If most of the group agrees that player is a problem then the boot is considered valid. How to avoid that? Sometime if you are fast enough you may trigger vote-kick before it goes locked, but it must not be a race to who is faster in the draw, 'tho. Talk with the party first, if everyone is aware of the afk player and dont know the guy, you probably will succeed in kicking him, if they know him, they might give you the reason he is afk. When you get kicked for trying to help, come back here and apologize to me. So it's either 1) kick the bad player, replace it and complete the dungeon or 2) abandon the party, back to 30 min queue and do the whole dungeon again. Second story: again, from just your words there is no reason to kick there. Either they harassed/insulted the other players, went Away From Keyboard, or just plain weren't willing to cooperate. I don’t ever really see new players kicked unless they’re actively ruining the run repeatedly despite being asked to stop pulling as a dps or something. Main Class. , 2 people in a light party, 4 people in a full party) the member in question will be removed. Starten wir doch gleich mal mit einem schwierigen Thema, dass ich dennoch möglich unkompliziert diskutieren möchte. Most dungeons can be 3 manned with decent players, while missing any of the archtypes (though missing healer would probably be hardest). 2) Everyone - except the person the vote-kick has been started against - gets to vote. In order to prove an unfair dismissal, the only thing a GM can rightly go by is chat logs. I M O its justified when the majority of the party thinks a member should be kicked. The Vote Dismiss System. I got kicked by a premade pty for not doing enough damage as a healer. I told them I would turn it on when the main tank dies…Go to ffxiv r/ffxiv • by. There is not a single Frontline, without 1-4 afk Players, sitting save around in the Base or someone far away from the Fights and waiting for their Exp, Marks, Rewards and so on. because it gives less exp than Praetorium. The story is - I was vote kicked from a pvp match I was active in for 99% of the time. When getting rid of disruptive or rude players, it would really help if the vote dismiss system actually ignored votes from premade party members. But having individuals stick around who want nothing to do with the party’s wants or desires is causing issues for the individuals with like minds, and. com] option that starts a vote on abandoning a duty (dungeon, trial etc. This wasn't the only incident I've wanted to report during the last month or so, the amount of douchebags in the game seems to be rising and some people just act like dicks and abuse the kick system that only requires two votes, hurting new players and their experience. Duty Finder attracts all kinds of trolls and leeches in the game and I'm very tired of it. If someone goes Offline, no one votes dismiss. Open the Duty window, button's down near the bottom right IIRC. It should prompt you to replacethem after they have been disconnected for about 5 minutes or so. truemy g/f was vote kicked 3 days ago from "instert first dungeon for SB" and never got a 30 min penalty. So let me give you some context: I recently ran Weeping City as a healer, and the other healer in my alliance kept disconnecting after the first…I don't really know how common is the essue or if this is something that just happened to me. Waltz_Beat • • 7 yr. the current system if flawed and easily manipulable Not simply this; as u/Llysandria says, everything you mentioned basically comes under the "difference in playstyle" umbrella that the GMs have to govern these cases and excuse most issues. The story goes as follow: Yesterday, I queued up, as the tank, for Temple of the Quarn (HM), via DF. A vote is a vote. ) When you vote to kick someone they need to be rewarded the same as the party that finishes without them. I then asked them to nicely please try to dodge AOEs. It just so happen that they thought u were the greater of the 2 evil. They went through that and lost their crown on the 4th kick over something stupid (like if pineapple belongs on pizza) and couldn’t get it back for a over a month. The other dps the tank and me ( the healer) just continue. It's usually to the left of the spacebar, near the windows key. (1) I have a secret to tell. You don't get a penalty from a kick. It was only in stormblood that you'd use Tornado kicks in your rotation. Please note that a penalty will be incurred if you join a matching party and leave it before the duty is complete or participate in a duty roulette with a preformed party and leave it. I could be remembering this wrong, but I think it said something along the lines of, "So-and-so has initiated a vote kick for. In almost 600hrs, I think I've seen 3 successful kick votes. Queue speed running complaints. Then we waited more than 15 MINUTES for another. Same. If a successful kick allowed you to kick more people, I would be removing half of my party in every group ever, so you probably don't want that. For Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Do you vote kick players on msq roulette" - Page 3. I haven't played in about two months but I THINK the short cut is U on the keyboard, if youre on console. So, we kicked him and like 30 seconds later he rejoined the group. I simply dont roll on loot so people dont kick me or anyone else. If I do my job in Amdapor and kill the White Magistones, someone runs in and. A "majority" group of people could choose to wait until just before the final boss dies, and kick other players so they'd have a better chance at the loot. Tetrachan White Mage • 7 yr. This guide will break down the basics. Far too often will I be in a team, where out of the blue someone will get kicked randomly. Patch notes said 2. Even if you try to kick them out, it's declined (might be just my DC, but people don't even kick person offline for 3 bosses in alliance raid). It might take a while if they aren't aure which server they are from, though. Stop acting like every person is power leveling and just play the game. 23. Party. They'd still get 1 vote as a collective. People are getting vote kicked for the same exact reasons across the board,. What if we put up predation UWU prog and they keep dying on ifrit. Oh yeah I remember reading that, but it was more of a joke than serious anyway. '. I've gotten kicked out of any number of PFs for any number of reasons. If you are getting a sketch feeling from your PARTY, it's only the other ppl in your party that can vote kick you not the other alliances, then just don't lot on anything until combat with the next boss has been initiated, then open the next. The person who is kicked has no penalties either. x you'd only use if if you can use it before a transition (and use anatman to get gls back) or end of fights. . ago. New Vote Kick Option Can we please get an option for kicking players who are just bad at playing? You have no idea how many times I have run into players who are horrible at the game. I wouldn't have initiated a vote kick, but it was entirely deserved. erks ya. Click on it and you can select a person to give a comm. Like kicking people for watching Cut Scence, being a bit undergear, kicking people until they get a People with Relic, FC or Friends Que up and kicking people right when boss drop items, etc. Friends aren't going to dismiss friends and bots probably don't bother voting as you say. Later he goes afk, again without warning, right in front of the salamander boss. To leave the current duty, select Duty Finder under Duty in the main menu and then select the Leave button in the Functions tab of the Duty menu. 798K subscribers in the ffxiv community. I have seen tons of topics by people complaining about Duty Finder groups where a single troll/jerk/loser completely ruined it for everyone. A function whereby players may vote to abandon a duty without being penalized is scheduled for patch 2. Description. They all decline every single time, always. Players can obtain commendations "naturally" through their normal activities or may choose to go out of their way to "farm" them. If you're in a duty, you can just press U and click Leave. To leave the current duty, select Duty Finder under Duty in the main menu and then select the Leave button in the Functions tab of the Duty menu. Change buttons to vote. New Vote Kick Option Can we please get an option for kicking players who are just bad at playing? You have no idea how many times I have run into players. J Kick is an action unlocked at level 1. If you disconnect in a dungeon the party has to vote-dismiss you to be able to replace you, this requires 5 minutes to have elapsed. People that abuse the vote kick feature, beware. Reminder: You can vote-kick for any reason, at any time, as long as you don't say IN GAME it's for something stupid (like low-dmg, calling them useless/harassing them or other things that break ToS). . I end up getting caught and dying and respawn. I figured something was wrong when a few players (who obviously knew each other). These are all my opinions and while we are entitled to our own just know that I won't be changing my mine, just getting this off my chest for all to enjoy it. finalfantasyxiv. You will gain the quest to become a paladin through your level 30 gladiator job quest. You can do this from the party menu. If it fails, they remain. . 15. But I’m usually tanking and basically soloing the dungeon so maybe that warps things. They still have you on their list and can see where you are etc. And yet, when pleas come up for a feature that would allow random DF parties a Vote to Kick. So you got at least four people with vote abuse. USAGE: /kick [placeholder] →Kicks the specified PC from your party. We wait for a new tank, fortunately it's close to midnight JST so there are many queuing, about a minute later a new tank pops in and. They had a message saying please wait a little bit before. - Only the Winner Team gets exp. good thing there is no manual kick. Step 3: Click on their message to bring up the options. A few days ago I hit up Garuda Ex. r/ffxiv A chip A close button A chip A close buttonA chest is shared only between the party with each party getting their own chest. First time mad enough to launch a complaint. Don't be rude to people. 3rd kick- 9 hrs. I think mostly this is a lesson to me. After beating Coinwhatsit our healer suddenly called for a vote kick to my fellow DPS. There were no deaths, pty never wiped and they kicked me right before final boss to grief me. Wat I was trying to get at is most likely everyone deserved a kick. Otherwise they could report you for griefing. Paladin has the most difficult button layout without a good set up on pc and honestly I'm. 6K. AFKing in Prae isn't a kickable offense. Kicks current target when no PC is specified. LNC/DRG were getting hate for a while due to being the worst class in the game until recent buffs but if they still get hate it's because ignorant trolls just being ignorant trolls. Displays your chocobo companion's current HP as a percentage. kick a party member if the dps at lvl 60 expert roulette is doing less then 1k on the first boss i kick em silently as afk and itll go thru, i dont tend to kick tanks unless they cant keep aggro and healers unless they cant keep us alive, to quit a dungeon is simple if the dungeon will take longer then 30 minutes i quit then and thereto save me. You ban people for funny names. Step 4: Click on "Votekick". . Yes, another topic on vote-kick. Yow want to see true abuse of the vote kick? Go play WoW I have been playing for a few weeks and I haven't seen anyone get kicked from a group. *The cool down penalty will apply to the one who abandoned first. And if that doesn't do it for ya, let's take that same logic with past MMOs that have a vote kick system. The claim that vote kick only "rarely" succeeds is risible. too late now but I heard that to intentionally wait until the last boss to kick someone out is considered an abuse of vote kick (vs. Abuses of Vote Kick . Besides the whole premise of the OP's post is questioning if they can still vote kick for difference in playstyle as the reason; in which case it is not a stretch at all to say you are kicking them because they are not playing the way you want them to play. If I do my job in Amdapor and kill the White Magistones, someone runs in and. The point is I don't care if you are myth farming brayflox HM but please don't do it on the DF and then demand a vote kick and don't be helpful the rest of the run b/c we didn't kick you. If you form a party before entering the dungeon, you cannot give your preformed party members a comm. And as soon as the alliance is down even 1 person, there's no longer a penalty for leaving, even if that person gets replaced. You can really save some runs that way. Cant vote kick for bad performance People can now troll by purpfully playing bad and making runs take super long. It's designed in such a way that people can bring out the worst in them and easily get away with it. They just right-click and then press “Kick From Party”. Forum Top; English Forums; Community; General Discussion; And so begins the Vote-kick abuseYou have to understand how the cut-scene system works in Final Fantasy XIV. Queued back in. ryanell666 9 years ago #1. Bringing a vote-kick feature will do more good than harm at this point. They then start asking everyone to accept the vote to kick because I didn’t set down a mage table. This was in a dungeoun roulette mind you. It was week after 3. Seems like the player's lodestone page is completely gone, and their FFXIV forum profile is still there but no longer lists any characters. ago. Steel becomes brittle. A bit less down on the scale, some people will kick for things like being a cure1 bot in a level 90 dungeon since you're essentially griefing at that point. So, I was doing a CT this morning. I was playing for 3 hours and suddenly I got disconnected with yet another 90002. As Serene stated if you want to see true abuse of this mechanic go play World of Warcraft. 32 votes, 198 comments. Just create a PF and put “BLU J-Kick” in the description, people will join. So, I managed to convince everyone at the last fight to wipe so we could kick them. This is also why you can't kick when there's pending loot. After the first boss he suddenly became afk, like 2-3 min he didn't return. Or maybe you died 5+ times and lost some score to your team, who knows. Type callvote kick and then. This will be a relatively short guide, but it may give some valuable input to those who need it. In case anyone was wondering about reporting for being AFK during a duty. Defensive measures should not do more harm than the harm it would have caused you. I'm on the fence with revealing the identity of the person who initiates votes-to-dismiss a player or instance. You can do this from the party menu. They’d be one in the same in every lexicon on the planet if it were humanly possible. But sometimes what is stated in chat isn't the whole story, and sometimes it's easy to forget that the people being kicked are still PEOPLE whose feelings can be as important as their in-game capability. I was kicked as well, but. The healer! Astrologian, too, so I know they made it to 60 at least once. Right click their name in the party list and select kick from party. Choose the. The cooldown penalty for abandoning a duty has been increased from 15 to 30 minutes. Business, Economics, and Finance. Defensive measures should not do more harm than the harm it would have caused you. I just keep silent and get through the dungeon. I noticed it before but now it's really starting to become a very noticeable issue. It has a high-quality sound, a durable. One tank was fine with it but the other freaked out and began insulting us and just sat at the beginning refusing to move. ryanell666 9 years ago #1. I tried the normal /kick "Playername" but all I got was "There are no party members. This bothers me because I only vote to dismiss someone if they're afk, offline, or obviously trolling the group.