top african american motivational speakers. Virginia Beach, Virginia, US. top african american motivational speakers

 Virginia Beach, Virginia, UStop african american motivational speakers Take a look at some of the best shows to listen to this fall

We've found the top 8 motivational speakers in St Louis. On the nearly 13-day mission, the seven-member crew continued construction of the International Space Station (ISS), embarking on four. Many have blazed trails once thought impassable and now. Be Your Best You. Fast Free Quote. As the founder of The HistoryMakers -- the largest national archive of African American video-oral history -- Richardson shares some of the unknown and incredible legacies of Black America, highlighting the importance of. #3 Mr. Ancient African empires – Mali, Songhai, Egypt – had scientists, astronomers. Les Brown Greatness Radio is positive. They do their research on how to inspire audiences and learn how to use the latest tools of their trade. com and by phone. May 13, 2021. Les was labelled educable mentally retarded when he was younger, and was born on the floor of an abandoned building. If you are finding one of America’s most trusted sources for financial advice, Dave Ramsey will be your first wise choice. Our extensive database contains top motivational speakers and local celebrities serving North. Hispanic or Latino, 17. With rich experience in their diverse fields, these African motivational speakers are giving people reasons not to give up, as well as, tips on how to get to the top: Last Edited by: Ismail Akwei. EMAIL Speakers@SPEAKING. Former college football player and American motivational speaker born February 12, 1986. Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement. The Equal Justice Initiative succeeded in. David Olusoga was born in Nigeria in January 1970 to a. Jade SimmonsFor a list of the top motivational keynote speakers to hire for your next conference or event, contact Bigspeak Speakers Bureau. 3. These keynote speakers are championship athletes, company founders, and business leaders who have all encountered challenges in life and learned how to. He originated the Chicken Soup for the Soul series. Top 5 African-American Motivational Speakers in 2022. His presentation style is a combination of motivation, powerful, and informative, allowing him to really work great alongside teams. Black Female Motivational Speakers Nikki Giovanni (20 ratings). With heart and humanity, Man explores the emotional lives of black men and boys. 3. Motivational Speakers; Political Speakers;. The first African-american woman to build and run a billion-dollar company, Janice Bryant Howroyd started ACT-1 group in 1978 with a fax machine, a phone, and a list of contacts. Moore & Team. Luttrell’s heroics in 2005 during Operation Red Wing became the inspiration for the popular Hollywood motion picture The Lone Survivor. Anthony Jay Robbins ( né Mahavoric, born February 29, 1960) is an American author, coach and speaker. Often the first, the founder, or at the forefront, Jade was the first New Music/New Places fellow for the prestigious Concert Artist Guild, and she was the International Piano competition’s webcast. [2] Book a Motivational Black Male Speaker Today! If you are interested in booking one of the official top 12 motivational Black male speakers we have selected, don’t hesitate in contacting one of our dedicated booking agents who will help secure your talented speaker for your next event! Contact a booking agent directly by calling 0203 9317 392. ~Marian Wright Edelman. He states, “If, as black feminists contended, oppression positioned black women at the lowest rung on the social ladder, then eradicating their. FlyGirl is a top inspirational speaker, America’s first African-American female combat pilot, and the author of Zero to Breakthrough. He is one of the most sought-after coaches in the USA. " Many people don't focus enough on. Posted 5 years ago. Top Sales & Marketing Keynote Speakers. Daniele Henkel. Daughter of the late Dr. We've rounded up the top 50 most searched for and sought after speakers, world renown for their ability to motivate audiences. Choose from WSB’s black motivational speakers, including Secretaries of State and Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, to inspire your attendees to take action. First African-American Female Astronaut and Black Woman in Space. Top African-American Motivational Speakers for Business. Top Motivational Speakers. Whether your organization is looking for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Speakers for a inspirational keynote or an interactive program on diversity, BigSpeak Speakers Bureau has numerous culture experts for you to consider. Tune in to listen to a collection of podcasts ranging from topic about relationships, business, music, politics and more. TRAVELS FROM Alabama, USA. We've found the top 47 motivational speakers in San Jose. Wolfe Herd frequently speaks to and mentors other female entrepreneurs, and under her leadership, an amazing 70% of Bumble’s board is women. Browse our motivational and inspirational keynote speakers on Domestic Violence to engage, educate, and entertain your audience. He is broadcasted in over 100 countries. Joel Osteen. Youth empowerment programs help young people transform their beliefs, values, and attitudes so they can improve the quality of their life. 3) Daymond John Daymond John is a top business and motivational keynote speaker, founder of FUBU clothing, Shark Tank judge, and the bestselling author of The Power of Broke. Just like a traveling passport opens doors to new horizons, education equips you to navigate the unknown. CALL: 1. Susan Robinson. Our Speakers Bureau profiles top Tampa speakers including some of the best professional motivational speakers, business speakers, Keynote speakers, experts, trainers, Contact our booking agency for talent ideas. Avada Email Marketing. A seasoned professional, Galloway is a great business keynote speaker choice for your 2022 events. Sun Sign: Leo. If I had a thousand tongues and each tongue were a thousand thunderbolts and each thunderbolt had a thousand voices, I would use them all today to help you understand a loyal and misrepresented and misjudged people. At BigSpeak Speakers Bureau, we work with some of the top African-American Motivational Speakers who can help you and your team find your source of motivation. If you’re having problems finding your personal success, BigSpeak Speakers Bureau works with some of the best African-American Motivational Speakers. They cover topics such as Self-Motivation, Inspiration, management, and much more. Scientists. Shelton Johnson. Ty is considered both a motivational speaker and a business speaker with a range of topics from success. In 2019, he began working as an executive producer on Holey Moley, a reality TV show based on sports competitions. BigSpeak Speakers Bureau in Moses Lake, WA Expand search. 4. Mike MullaneDr. Website: etinspires. 3. Engage makes it seamless to find top talent, negotiate with them, pay them, and manage your entire booking via our platform. His work has won multiple platinum. #5 Dave Ramsey. This list includes both allies and transgender and non-binary speakers who are passionate advocates for the LGBTQ+ and gender non-conforming community. FlyGirl is a top inspirational speaker, America’s first African-American female combat pilot, and the author of Zero to Breakthrough. As a Christian youth keynote speaker, Stephen enjoys inspiring audiences on the idea of hope and faith in God. Marcus Collins. Available for in-person or virtual events and meetings. They understand and keep abreast of new techniques and ideas that can help employees improve their performance at work. African American Keynote Speakers | Black Speakers; Campus / University Motivational Speakers; Employee Engagement Keynote Speakers; Speaker's Fee Range $40,001. Nnedi Okorafor. ”. Top African Entrepreneurs & Business Speakers Africa's Economic Trailblazers: Driving Innovation & Growth in the African Business Landscape. . She has worked on environmental issues at Crag Law Center in Oregon, on international environmental policy at Universal Rights Group in Geneva, and in defense of free speech activists at Media Legal Defence Initiative in London. Nationally-acclaimed Motivational Speaker, Educator, Award-winning Author, and Founder & CEO of The Veritas School. She is the youngest woman ever elected to Milwaukee’s council and is the first African-American female to ever serve as chair of the Finance and Personnel Committee. Upon shifting his career to television he quickly became a host on PBS. She dives into the complexity of being black, a woman, and beautifully awkward. Vernice “Flygirl” Armour FlyGirl is a top inspirational speaker, America’s first African-American female combat pilot, and the author of Zero to Breakthrough. Celebrate Black History Month this year with uplifting Black voices and honoring their contributions to the nation’s history and its future. Carina Bruwer Keynote intro - Swimming Against the Current. As an African American speaker, author, and business owner, Chris can utilize his experiences to help address various topics and work with diverse teams. 1. WSB works with many of the industry’s top speakers each year. These women occupy a diverse and increasingly dynamic range of business and corporate roles, from renowned physicians, CEO’s and Olympic athletes, to best­selling authors, spiritual sages and financial gurus. com. His presentation style is a combination of motivation, powerful, and informative, allowing him to really work great alongside teams and. It’s all around you. Manuel served 26 years in prison, 18 of which were in solitary confinement. Image Credit: GES 2016. 8. TED talks. We have assembled a great list of highly-accomplished speakers, activists, authors, and leaders for you to consider bringing to your next event or meeting stage. Speakers In New York City. Anthony Jay Robbins ( né Mahavoric, born February 29, 1960) is an American author, coach and speaker. , an American Minister and Civil Rights Activist, is regarded as one of the most provoking speakers of his time. We've found the top 86 motivational speakers in Cleveland. They are activists, explorers, and. A speaker,author, and radio DJ born February 17, 1945. FlyGirl’s highly contagious energy, moving stories, and gutsy essence motivate audiences to action. 9% of motivational speakers are Black or African American. Read more. These female Christian speakers live their lives embracing religion and are popular keynote speakers at faith-based women’s conferences. At age 13, Ian Manuel was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for attempted murder after his participation in a botched robbery. #4. Let us know if you are interested in one of our speakers for your event. Lizzie Velásquez. In 1995, she wrote her first book but was rejected by every publisher she contacted. Dominique Pritchett (Kenosha, Wisconsin) – Dr. CALL: 1. 15. These motivational speakers are experts in overcoming challenges and becoming successful because they have done it themselves. S Armed Forces. Find Ohio's Top Rated Keynote Speakers at Ohio Speakers Bureau and Booking Agency. Inky Johnson is a top motivational speaker and a football celebrity. He is a distinguished scholar, public speaker, and author. Ranked one of the 10 Most Inspiring TED Speakers of All Time. This collection of poetry and life lessons is all about being the best version of yourself. Top 50 Motivational Speakers; Top 50 Technology Speakers; Get speaking tips & so much more! Twice a month we send you speaking tips, training ideas and lots of useful updates. Kirk’s musical albums fuse gospel and contemporary styles of music. Zig Ziglar. Now! By Developing their Brand through Video. Priscilla Shirer has a track-record of being consistent, compassionate and bold about publicly sharing the Gospel. 3) Jade Simmons Here’s a list of the most motivational and inspirational African American speakers and talent who share their incredible personal stories and moving messages with audiences around the world for you to consider for any upcoming meetings or events: Laila Ali: A 4-time undefeated boxing world champion who tells personal stories of breaking into. Our Speakers Bureau features the largest selection of Michigan - based motivational and business speakers. Myles Munroe – preacher, international motivational speaker, best-selling author. Jessica O. "Doc Brown INFORMS, INSPIRES, & ENCOURAGES ALL to tap into their inner potential to create the change they want to see. Advocate for criminal justice reform, poet, and motivational speaker. Proudly Serving Portland and surrounding areas for your entertainment needs. Find the best keynote speakers, authors, entertainers and local celebrities in Ohio for corporate events, appearances and speaking engagements. Engage works directly with top tier talent and their agents. EMAIL Speakers@SPEAKING. said “Terri is a woman who speaks from her heart and her experiences. Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Barak Obama attended Occidental College in Los. Our Speakers Bureau features the largest selection of Oregon - based motivational and business speakers. FlyGirl is a top inspirational speaker, America’s first African-American female combat pilot, and the author of Zero to Breakthrough. Our roster of black motivational speakers brings a unique perspective and valuable insights to any event. " Reviews of Dr. See: From the Hood to the Hill by Barry Black. Jade Simmons Speaker's Fee Range$20,001 - $30,000. Tony Gaskins- Speaker, Author, Coach. Aneesa Ferreira was by far one of the best speakers we've ever had! FURMAN UNIVERSITY. 5. For top Irish and International after dinner, motivational, celebrity, sporting and keynote speakers - Speaker Solutions is Ireland's leading speaker bureau. Rarely is a debut collection lauded as an instant classic and justifiably so. List of 100 Top Black Influencers in 2023. 698. Luttrell inspires leaders and individuals through his motivational keynotes. 2536. Heather Monahan is a best-selling author, top inspirational keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and founder of Boss In Heels. Dr. CALL: 1. 2. . Browse SpeakerMatch's directory of Black speakers and African American speakers. Finding the Right Speaker Can Be Stressful AEI Speakers Bureau takes the burden off your back! Through personalized, responsive and professional service, we guide you from start to finish to make the whole. African Culture Speakers. The Black Alliance for Just Immigration is an advocator for civil rights. " Belief in oneself and knowing who you are, I mean, that's the foundation for everything great. Contact to work with Chris as a Speaker or expert. Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. You’re obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day. Popularity: 201K searches/month. If you’ve already watched the previous eight TED Talks from exceptional black. In this post, we’d specifically like to focus our attention on the African-American/Black female speakers on our. We've found the top 226 motivational speakers in Houston. This California native began her career as a model at the age of 15 and was. We've found the top 88 motivational speakers in Pittsburgh. African-American Research Speakers. Find Oregon's Top Rated Keynote Speakers at Oregon Speakers Bureau and Booking Agency. Taboo is an American rapper, actor, and singer best known as a member of the hip-hop group the Black Eyed Peas. “To me, we are the most beautiful creatures in the whole world. 2. FlyGirl is a top inspirational speaker, America’s first African-American female combat pilot, and the author of Zero to Breakthrough. Vernice Flygirl Armour is a top inspirational speaker, America’s first African-American female combat pilot, and the author of Zero to Breakthrough. Mel Robbins is an American podcast host, author, motivational speaker, and was once a lawyer. Our Speakers Bureau profiles top Denver speakers including some of the best professional motivational speakers, business speakers, Keynote speakers, experts, trainers, Contact our booking agency for talent ideas. Browse our motivational and inspirational keynote speakers on African-American Research to engage, educate, and entertain your audience. ” —Muhammad Ali. Simon Sinek is a world-renowned author, speaker and consultant. Naomi Judd. Inspiration starts today. Whether you’re looking for someone to motivate your audience at a business event, break down the current political landscape, forecast upcoming elections, or headline your Black History Month programming, we’ve got you covered. Rachel Wilson. We've found the top 366 motivational speakers in Arizona. Maya Penn. Evita Robinson. These top-rated speakers and performers include industry experts, authors, and business leaders who can present their knowledge in a variety of different formats, such as a keynote speech, moderated. 6. Connect with an agent at All American Speakers today to find out more about bringing these successful speakers to your next event. He earned degrees from Oakwood and Andrews University, and is an ordained Adventist minister. Meet four amazing African American keynote speakers who will not only be great to book for 2017 MLK or Black History month events but for any occasion! Les Brown 1. Image. We’ll continue to edit and refine this list in the years to come, to ensure you’re always kept up to date with the latest movers and shakers! 1. Iyanla Vanzant (Rhonda Eva Harris) was born on September 13, 1953, in Brooklyn, New York. An International Motivational Speaker, Best-selling Author, Founder and CEO of Motivating the Masses, Award Winner and a Philanthropist. Some of his most popular and best selling books are ‘Live Your Dreams’ and ‘It’s Not Over Until You Win’. info@bigspeak. Having successfully climbed the corporate ladder for nearly 20 years, Heather Monahan is one of the few women to break the glass. Find Kansas's Top Rated Keynote Speakers at Kansas Speakers Bureau and Booking Agency. Find Oregon's Top Rated Keynote Speakers at Oregon Speakers Bureau and Booking Agency. The African-American community has contributed greatly to the growth and prosperity of the United States. Dave – Black. #1 Bear Grylls. Washington DC's top speakers bureau for keynote speakers, motivational speakers, political speakers, leadership speakers, business speakers, moderators, entertainment, and more. , Bernice King has inspired thousands with her powerful and motivational sessions. If you’re looking for an experienced and exciting presenter, BigSpeak Speakers Bureau works with the Top African-American Keynote Speakers. Mel Robbins. Price, founder and President of Livingston. Some of the greatest individuals in black history have delivered some of the most significant speeches in American history. Choose from WSB’s black motivational speakers, including Secretaries of State and Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, to inspire your attendees to take action. Book an Inspirational Black Female Speaker For Your Next Event! If you are interested in booking one of our powerful Black female speakers for your next event, or Black History Month event, contact the BAME Speakers Agency today! Get in touch by calling directly on 0203 9317 392 or by completing our online contact form. Proudly Serving Pittsburgh and surrounding areas for your. Wanuri Kahiu. A list of the best inspirational speakers to consider for your event that can deliver a memorable speech & presentation that will inspire your audience. FlyGirl’s fresh, edgy style, high, contagious energy and unique, gutsy essence jump off the stage, page, and screen and moves people to action. She is known as a renowned youth activist and motivational speaker, according to her online biography. 698. CALL: 1. He is one of America's most requested motivational keynote speakers today. - Page 2 of 4. Organizations need to understand the lived experiences of African-Americans to give everyone an equitable experience. You’ll find FlyGirl’s highly contagious energy, moving stories, and gutsy essence will motivate your audience to action. Travels From: Portland, OR, USA. CALL: 1. If you would like to book a Top 10 African American Keynote Speaker, contact BigSpeak Speakers Bureau, a leading speaking agency and one of the top speakers bureaus. Browse our selection of speakers and find the. His books include “Start With Why”, “Leaders. (3 ratings) Award-Winning Documentary Filmmaker; Known For TED Talk on the Intersection of Civil Rights & LGBT Rights. Best American Motivational Speakers | Best American Motivational Speakers, Dean Lindsay, WATCH DEMO REEL 2023, 2024 "America's Progress Agent" | Best American Motivational Speakers. Whatever type of engagement your organization is planning, one of the amazing keynote speakers on our. Browse our motivational and inspirational keynote speakers on African-American Research to engage, educate, and entertain your audience. 2536. At the age of 23 he became a pastor at the Great Emanuel Temple of Faith where his congregation continued to. Walker. His televised services are seen by more than 10 million Americans and others in other parts of the world. Mike Abrashoff, a veteran motivational speaker and bestselling author is one of the premiere crew and leadership speakers available today. She has been in high demand ever since she. Top 10 African American Keynote Speakers:. Kim Katrin Milan. Lynette Beer is one of South Africa’s most acclaimed and prestigious inspirational motivational speakers on Personal Development and Corporate Growth. The successful African entrepreneurs in this list are sought after for their unique perspectives and experiences in navigating the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Africa and around the. Since 2000 when she began speaking, she has been making intriguing discoveries about Millennials, and soon to be doing the same with the workforce Gen Z. I am the part you won't recognize. They “believe that a thriving multiracial democracy requires racial, social and economic justice for all. – Nina Simone. Franklin is best known for his work. [1] He is known for his infomercials, seminars, and self-help books including the books Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within. 4. She has helped over 70,000 Black women combat the racial and gender wealth gap. LAI represents cultural diversity and inclusion speakers with unique perspectives. 4. We've found the top 40 motivational speakers in Tucson. Motivational Speakers for Senior Citizens, 55+ Active Adults . Tatanka Means is an award-winning actor, stand-up comedian and motivational speaker from Chinle, Arizona. His films have grossed over $27 billion globally as of 2019. 2. Our Speakers Bureau features the largest selection of Arizona - based motivational and business speakers. Tony Robbins. Jobs People LearningWe've found the top 86 motivational speakers in Kansas. Luttrell’s heroics in 2005 during Operation Red Wing became the inspiration for the popular Hollywood motion picture The Lone Survivor. If you’re interested in partnering with a Black motivational speaker to deliver an unforgettable address at your next event, this blog is for you. 1. Nicky’s inspiring personal story, along with her expertise as a Clinical Psychologist, makes her an ideal candidate for an inspirational keynote speaker at your next conference or event. Black is a lifelong Seventh-day Adventist. Rejection Is a Stepping Stone to Success. In an increasingly globalized world, motivational. 4% of motivational speakers are Hispanic or Latino and 12. Bo Jackson. 698. Number 2 of our speaker websites is owned by speaker and CEO of Change Enthusiasm® Cassandra Worthy. com. 4. Views 6. Suzan Johnson Cook is a pastor, motivational speaker, and diplomat who made history by becoming the first woman and African-American to become Ambassador-at-Large for international religious. 3. 800. Tony Robbins. 698. Posted by Alexis Washington Alexis Washington writes about expert keynote speakers and Motivational Speakers , as well as tips and tricks for corporate meeting planners. Colonel Nicole MalachowskiGet up and make them. Chris Gardner has one of the most inspirational rags to riches stories in the world today. Entertainment Keynote Speakers. Please contact us for a custom proposal. Happiness comes when you feel good about who you are. We are happy to help! Our booking agents are ready to understand your goals, provide you with custom speaker recommendations, or walk you through every step of the talent booking process. We have speakers who can meet just about any budget and a great selection for Black History Month!. Makaziwe Mandela is the oldest daughter of the late Nelson Mandela and grew up under his direct influence. Cassandra Worthy. These arguments are suffused with basic questions about what it means to be black in America. Maria Eitel, Founder and Chair of the Nike. We've found the top 380 motivational speakers in Michigan. Contact to work with Chris as a Speaker or expert. Barry Black, 62nd Chaplain of the U. Rarely is a debut collection lauded as an instant classic and justifiably so. 698. 805. Motivational Speakers; Political Speakers; Science Speakers; Sports. In his new book, The 5 Actions, he outlines the 5 actions that anyone can implement into their. Speaker/Editor. Top 10 Black Motivational Speakers. #6 Nick Vujicic. Jessica is one of the most humble, down-to-earth motivational military speakers available for hire. List of famous female motivational speakers, listed by their level of prominence with photos when available. Created with sisterhood and storytelling in mind, author Alex Elle sits down with people who inspire her. Find the best keynote speakers, authors, entertainers and local celebrities in Oregon for corporate events, appearances and. Jakes is the Apostle/Bishop of The Potter’s House which also airs on television. Barbara Jordan’s 1976 Democratic convention keynote broke barriers for women and for blacks in one speech, suggesting that “the American Dream need not be deferred. The motivational speaker will motivate the group to get out in the community and draw more people in. Luttrell inspires leaders and individuals through his motivational keynotes. FlyGirl’s fresh, edgy style, high, contagious energy and unique, gutsy essence jump off the stage, page, and screen and moves people to action. Keep scrolling for a list of the top African American motivational speakers today. If you’ve already watched the previous eight TED Talks from exceptional black. Kirk Franklin is an American gospel singer and motivational speaker, as well as a businessman. Iyanla Vanzant. CALL: 1. . As Black History Month winds down, we want to share our top ten list of African-American speakers who will motivate and inspire you all year! These inspiring speakers represent. From inspirational and motivational speakers to female and African American speakers, we have it all. When it comes to cybersecurity experts, Rachel Wilson is among the best of the best. Proudly Serving Cleveland and surrounding areas for your entertainment. Lisa Leslie (12 ratings). A Lucky Man by Jamel Brinkley. FlyGirl’s fresh, edgy style, high, contagious energy and unique, gutsy essence jump off the stage, page, and screen and moves people to action. He has done more than 2000 interviews on TV, Radio and Print Media, and is a successful TED speaker. Marcus Luttrell. In 2003, he worked as an academic adviser to disadvantaged students in Michigan State University (MSU). 4. Here are the top 10 probably the best and most inspirational African-American motivational speakers today just as their experiences and what makes them remarkably qualified to talk all throughout. African American Keynote Speakers | Black Speakers; Campus / University Motivational Speakers; Employee Engagement Keynote Speakers; Speaker's Fee Range $40,001 - $50,000. " - Madam C. Omar Johnson is a top marketing and branding keynote speaker, entrepreneur, former CMO. ” She's the co-founder of the Center for Black Innovation (one of Fast Company's 2021 most innovative companies), and her motivational speeches center around stepping into your power, pushing back against limiting beliefs, and uses failure as a motivation for business success. These Black motivational speakers are at the forefront of the Black Lives Matter movement. As an African American speaker, author, and business owner, Chris can utilize his experiences to help address various topics and work with diverse teams. Artists. African American Speakers. After the Civil Rights movement focused Americans on the subject of the. Facebook: 10M Likes. Youth Mentor Motivational Speakers. Omar Johnson. Find the best keynote speakers, authors, entertainers and local celebrities in Oregon for corporate events, appearances and speaking engagements. Raphael G. Billie Holiday, the 2021 Lee Daniels's film starring actress and singer Andra Day, this four-part series from WNYC’s Rebecca Carroll is a. Browse our motivational and inspirational keynote speakers on African-American Research to engage, educate, and entertain. V has employed them to make an invaluable impact in the lives of others. Ski Team Alum, and Host of Award-Winning Podcast, “Torched”. Speaker's Fee Range$10,001 - $20,000. 3) Jade Simmons List of Best Black Motivational Podcasts. Published Mon, Feb 1 20219:45 AM EST Updated Wed, Feb 17 202112:11 PM EST. Find Tennessee's Top Rated Keynote Speakers at Tennessee Speakers Bureau and Booking Agency. Vanzant hosts Iyanla: Fix My Life on the Oprah Winfrey Network. Contact BigSpeak Motivational Speakers Bureau for the world’s premier African American Keynote Speakers | Black Speakers speakers and keynote speakers for your next conference or corporate event. African American Keynote Speakers | Black Speakers; Football Speakers; Inspirational Keynote Speakers; Motivational Speakers;Inspirational memoirs by Black authors. Nadja West is the first African American Surgeon General of the U.