synodontis catfish tank mates. The Cuckoo catfish well deserves its name as it will lay its eggs at the same time as its tank mates, normally members of the Haplochromis species. synodontis catfish tank mates

 The Cuckoo catfish well deserves its name as it will lay its eggs at the same time as its tank mates, normally members of the Haplochromis speciessynodontis catfish tank mates Tank Size

It also doesn’t leave any room for potential tank mates. This catfish is relatively peaceful with similarly sized tank mates, reaching an adult size of approximately 4″. I would recommend focusing on fewer different types of fish in the tank and getting more appropriate schools of them rather than small numbers of so many different. They are nocturnal by nature, which means they are most active during the night, creating a well-balanced tank activity schedule for both species. The Blue Botia Loach is a petite freshwater tropical fish rarely found in standard fish tanks. Good tankmates can be larger fish such as goldfish as well as non-aggressive medium to large gouramis, robust cyprinid species, larger characins, eartheater type Geophagus cichlids, Loricariid catfish from South America, large Synodontis catfish, and large loaches. TheWest African lungfish is a freshwater fish that is native to the rivers and lakes of West Africa. This includes most 'pleco'-type catfish and even the occasional Synodontis catfish (though I've usually had good luck keeping many species of this genus with bichirs). The temperature should be between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Hara jerdoni breeding. Bristlenose Pleco Tank Mates. With the right care, suitable tank mates, and a healthy diet, these beautiful fish can thrive in your aquarium, providing you with years of aquatic enjoyment. 5ish at 25 degrees. Water Parameters. Water Temperature: 64-74 °F. Bristlenose Plecos. 5-7. Thx for the feedback! The tank is a 140L running a big 1200L/h external. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding,. 5-6. As we said before, the Featherfin Catfish is a territorial fish. Pictus Catfish Size: Up to 5-inches: Pictus Catfish Lifespan: 8+ Years: Temperament: Peaceful: Preferred Tank Region: Bottom to middle: Scale Thickness: Pictus Catfish do not have scales. 8 inches) in length when fully mature but should not be housed with larger tank mates. Species Summary Lace catfish (Synodontis nigrita), known as the false upside down catfish, is found in Senegal and many other African countries, including. The tank is 4'x18"x12" the rest of the fish are community fish swordtails,guppies,cardinals,cloown loaches and bronze catfish,There are no signs of any injuries. It’s crucial to provide a spacious tank with plenty of hiding spots, plants, and decorations to create territories and alleviate aggression. Size. Try to find a tank mate with similar requirements and a non-aggressive personality. The best alternative would be to buy a small shoal of corydoras catfish. Synodontis Eupterus, also known as Featherfin Synodontis or Featherfin Squeaker, are a popular type of catfish that can be found in the rivers and lakes of West and Central Africa. ) Size. These fish spend upwards of 90% of their time in the inverted position and have a reverse colour scheme to most fish – with their belly being darker than the dorsal area. Shop Synodontis ocellifer and hundreds of other common and exotic freshwater aquarium fish direct from one of the leading aquarium fish breeders in North America since 1970. Feather-Fin Catfish, Featherfin squeaker, Featherfin Syno. I'm not 100% sure they are syno, but I'm quite sure they're not corydora as I thought. Your iridescent will more likely eat them. Siamese Algae Eater. Examples of tank mates incompatible with. Females will have a round papilla; the males will be longer and more triangular in shape. If any fish can help to keep African cichlids in check, it’s a school of giant danios. 5-7. Synodontis catfish; Large Plecostomus catfish; Clown Loaches; How To Breed. Siamese Algae Eater. Community with no small fish. If you have just one, or if spaces are scarce, the fish will fight each other for them. Use our fish community creator tool to plan your tank set up. Some others, such as Siamese fighters, are loners, best kept alone. Though there are over 120 different species of Synodontis catfish, the majority of them make great tank mates for cichlids. Food and Diet. Tank Size: 30-50 gal (113-189 liters) Temperature Range: 72-82°F (22-28°C) Care Level: Moderate. Tank Mates and Compatibility. 2°C). Females are generally smaller and duller in color. As long as this beautiful, berry-eyed fish is kept with a cichlid like the African cichlid which is too small to do it harm, it makes a great tank mate. The featherfin squeaker is a pretty peaceful fish and can live happily with most non-aggressive species like tetras, gouramis, zebra danio, Rasboras, and plecos. Synodontis Eupterus. Compatible with: Synodontis Catfish; Care Level: Mid; Origin: Lake Malawi; Most Malawi Mbunas are too aggressive to be tank mates to Frontosas, but the Electric Yellow Cichlids are a big exception! Their yellow hues offer a pleasant contrast to the Frontosa’s black and blue. Raphael catfish have unique, arrow-shaped, cylindrical bodies. It was described by Fitzinger in 1826, originally under the genus Mochichthys. Cuckoo Synodontis Tropical Fish Learn all about the Cuckoo Synodontis's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. . They are hardy fish with a striking appearance, making them a favorite among those who have kept them. Water changes are a crucial part of tank maintenance. Breeding Tank: Set up a separate 10-gallon breeding tank with slightly softer water (pH 5. Scientific Name: Synodontis sp. This catfish is peaceful and can be kept with a wide variety of tank mates, including other catfish, cichlids, barbs, and tetras. Corydoras are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including pellets, flakes, and live foods. Although the African Cichlid is noted for its aggression, the larger catfish species are compatible tank mates and generally do a great job of helping maintain water quality. These catfish are equipped with spikes on the dorsal fin, making them capable enough to hold their own even against the most aggressive cichlid species. Lifespan. #3. It was described by Fitzinger in 1826, originally under the genus Mochichthys. Here is a thread on our synos and there are more links inside, including to the Planet Catfish threads, we've kept synos in 120, 240, 1800, and 4500 gal tanks. Cichlids can peacefully be kept with many types of catfish. It has an oblongated body, and a bit flattened from sides and a rather wide head with two pairs of barbs on its upper jaw and one on the under-jaw. They are members of the African catfish family Mochokidae which contains about 150 different species in 10 genera. 5. Corydoras Catfish. While common plecos are among the most popular catfish choices, they aren’t the only ones worth considering. 15. Keep us on PlanetCatfish updated from time to time regarding your Syno. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. . Care Level: Easy. Some medium-sized non-aggressive type of catfish, such as Synodontis catfish or smaller Plecostomus species, make compatible tank mates. Synodontis are nocturnal, so you won't see them out too much during the day, and you should provide them cover to sleep under. Synodontis Catfish can eat any sort of meal. Length: 8 inches Water: 72-79°F, pH: 6. The average adult in an aquarium is 6-8 inches and in the wild the average adult can reach 12 inches. Clown loach. Keep in mind that these fish are active and enjoy swimming, so the bigger the tank, the better. Good tank mates for H. It’d be hard to keep both fish healthy in the same fish tank. Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons. Candy Stripe plecos grow to around 5 inches long and can do well as the only pleco in a 25-gallon tank or larger with no other bottom-dwellers. It is usually an open spawning egg scatterer but it is also one of the few fish known to exhibit a method of spawning known as brood parasitism. The Synodontis Catfish or Synodontis multipunctatus is a medium- to large-sized African catfish that is attractive, long-lived, and a great tank cleaner. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. Lighting. Top compatible tank mates for African Cichlids include African Catfish, Red Rainbow Fish, Flying Fox Fish, Leopard Bushfish, etc. Clown loaches can tolerate temperatures of 74 degrees Fahrenheit, but this is on the low end of what will be acceptable. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Full Details! February 9, 2019. The perfect tank size for Upside Down Catfish is approximately 30 gallons. Diet The Ocellifer Catfish are omnivores and should be offered sinking catfish pellets, live/frozen food like bloodworms and tubifex, and a good quality flake food. However, they prefer water that is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7. The main pride. So for a school of 4 catfish you should count on a tank that is at least 50 gallons. The water flow in the tank should resemble that of a river. Dragonblood Peacock cichlids. It is one of the most popular catfish within the aquarium trade and. The remarkable Upside-Down Catfish beautifully swims. The body of this species is elongated and narrow, and it can reach a length of 4 inches. With a 30-gallon tank, you can keep a small group together and even introduce a few tank mates. Bumblebee Catfish would be right up your alley if you want a pet that is easy to care for. Synodontis Catfish. Possibly one of the pickiest aspects of the Jewel Cichlid is the tank size and water quality that they require. Short description. Some suitable species of catfish for Oscars include the pictus catfish, the Synodontis catfish, and the Raphael catfish. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose suitable tank mates for yellow lab cichlids. Details. Aggressive fish may stress out the False Upside Down Catfish and cause harm to its fins or overall health. Yellow Tail Acei cichlids. Cichlids have the most bulk, but as you increase their size, they usually come with aggression. 17. Before spawning the couple (1 male and 1 female) are put separately and fed well. I wanted to do a group of 6-8 Synodontis multipunctatus and then some sort of cichlid that would be a good fit for. Given. The temperature should be between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Cuckoo Squeaker Catfish. Native to Lake Malawi, they are carnivorous, preferring a diet of small invertebrates. If you consider everything we’ve said here and if you make sure that the requirements are met, then they will happily live together. Temperature. Naples, FL, USA. Siamese Algae Eater. 5) Tank substrate is an important choice. Make sure to keep only one male to every two females in your school of. The pH levels should be 6. If you look through the photos, it may give you an idea of their compatibility and potential tank mates. Tetras, Guppies, and other Corydoras species make great tank mates. The Synodontis Brichardi Catfish is a relatively peaceful fish but can demonstrate territorial behavior towards other Synodontis catfish. Named for the round and shiny resemblance to a coin, the Silver Dollar Fish makes a great addition to just about any tank. Siamese Algae Eater. The best tank mates for Frontosas are other peaceful African cichlids from Lake Tanganyika. An excellent choice would be the Synodontis catfish species, as they won’t compete. However, it’s also crucial to understand the essential tank and water guidelines they need as well. 5-7. Gill. Siamese Algae. 7. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. This one’s yet another excellent community fish that will make great tankmates for angelfish. As long as this beautiful, berry-eyed fish is kept with a cichlid like the African cichlid which is too small to do it harm, it makes a great tank mate. Rate My Fish Tank: Freshwater Compatibility Chart ;Synodontis catfish; Texas cichlid; Tinfoil barbs. Their body is dark brown with a few isolated small spots, adults have a dorsal fin in which each ray extends into long filaments that looks like a feather, giving it the common. Synodontis Catfish. If you’re keeping Synodontis multipunctatus (commonly known as a cuckoo squeaker). What are their tank mates in the 75 at the moment? They are both big bruisers so any tank mate combos are going to be a challenge but it is possible. The minimum tank size recommended for this fish is 20 gallons long. These fish readily accept lots of foods and aren’t picky. Channa gachua tank mates. Installing a water pump in your fish tanks can achieve such a requirement. Synodontis Petricola Feeding Guidelines. When mixed with compatible tank mates, they can live harmoniously, but a that’s mix less than the perfect match will end in disaster. You can keep a male and three females in a 30-gallon tank. Siamese Algae Eater. These bottom feeders include various plecos, catfish, and loaches. They are frequently found near cover such as driftwood, caves or plants. Cuckoo catfish, or the pygmy leopard catfish, scientific name Synodontis multipunctatus is a species broadly available to African countries, such as Burundi, Zambia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Tanzania where it is only known from Lake Tanganyika. Synodontis Catfish: Your Guide To Care And Maintenance - Badman's Tropical Fish The Synodontis Catfish or Synodontis multipunctatus is a medium- to large-sized African. Most syno cats get between 4-7 inches and can live for over 10 years. Origin: Bolivia, Paraquay, Brazil, Peru, Africa. A 20. g. Water depth should be no deeper than 10 cm and tanks must have plenty of rocks and caves to provide refuge from other fish as well as blockage of larger predators such as cichlids or catfish. Other Lake Tanganyika cichlid species, like Cyprichromis or Altolamprologus, can make excellent tank mates. The body of this species is elongated and narrow, and it can reach a length of 4 inches. 6) Managuense Cichlid, Red Hook Silver Dollar, and Pictus. Tank set upLifespan. This is a form of camouflage, making the fish harder to spot by predators above, such as predatory fish, birds etc. Temperament is another key consideration when choosing tank mates for a synodontis catfish. Tank Mates. Pictus catfish are generally peaceful and sociable fish, making. Bettas have certain pH, temperatures and other water conditions they require. The larger ones need at least 30g and do well in hard water. Siamese. Tank mates for African Cichlids include African Butterfly Cichlid, African Red-Eyed Tetra, Clown Loaches, Flying Fox Fish, Giant Danios, Leopard Bushfish, Murray River Rainbowfish, Plecos, Pictus Catfish, Red. Water quality is important to maintain the health of your red devil cichlid. Synodontis catfish are generally peaceful and can be kept with a variety of other fish species. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose suitable tank mates for yellow lab cichlids. 0-7. They hail from the same East African Lake Malawi, allowing for similar water conditions and diet. 8. They are amicable, active and always on the lookout for food!Tank Mates. Other good choices for cichlid tank mates are very speedy, aggressive, large fish. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. 5. 5. Other fish like Malawi cichlids can also make great tank mates though. Hara jerdoni should be kept in schools of 5 or more. An fire eels would look striking in your setup has long has. Plants do to some degree, but the partial water change is the only and best method of removing liquid waste from the fish. They will generally reach up to 7. 5 inches. The Jaguar catfish can be housed with a wide range of non-aggressive medium-to-large fish species. These include; the Green terror, Midas Cichlid, Convict Cichlid, Hoplo Catfish, and the Featherin Synodontis. Water parameters are an easy match and the bala eats a wide variety of foods, making feeding simple. Size: 3-3. 8 inches (30 cm) in length, though they usually only obtain 6 – 8†(15-20 cm) in the aquarium. Raphael catfish have unique, arrow-shaped, cylindrical bodies. Also, ensure that there is more than one hiding spot per tank. These bottom-dwellers are easy-going but have the means to protect themselves. 45 inch) 0 14. Ideal Tank Mates for Mayan Cichlid 1. Synodontis Catfish are hardy and easy-going fish; who prefer temperatures ranging between 72 to 82°F and a relatively. 5 inches long and should be kept in groups of at least. South American cichlids are generally more peaceful than their African counterparts. On top of differing water requirements, the aggression of the Cichlids is practically nonstop. The scientific name nigriventris refers to the fact that the belly of this fish is darker than the dorsal area. The Pygmy Synodontis (Synodontis petricola) is one of the smallest Synodontis, reaching 5 inches in length although they are much smaller at the time of purchase, sometimes under an inch in length. Hiding places should be provided in the tank, rocks and bogwood are ideal for this. You will want to think long and hard before pairing these two together. Synodontis multipunctatus Boulenger, 1898:. Then, add some plants and hiding places. A 50-gallon or larger aquarium with a stable temperature and plenty of rocks and plants provides a suitable environment. Aside from the tank size, it is also important to maintain suitable water parameters for Synodontis ocellifer catfish. Cons of keeping with Auratus. The water flow in the tank should resemble that of a river. Some other good examples of compatible tank mates for Livingstoni Cichlid are Rafael Catfish, Plecos, Synodontis catfish, and Larger Rainbowfish. Easily one of the more attractive catfish in the hobby, the Synodontis Petricola is an excellent addition to a community aquarium. Unlike the majority of the genus, S. Siamese Algae Eater – Care,. Being peaceful in nature, Threadfin Rainbowfish do well with other non-aggressive species. The upside-down catfish very seldom spawns in a tank, that’s why to trigger the spawning process hormones injections are used. It's my. Wild spotted hoplo catfish grow up to 16 cm long, while in a tank, their size may seldom reach 20 cm. com. Synodontis Catfish are a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts who desire a striking and low-maintenance species as part of their aquatic community. Tank Mates. Water Conditions. The water flow in the tank should resemble that of a river. The Pictus Catfish (Pimelodus Pictus) also known as. Of course, you can add them with suitable tank mates in a community tank, such as Aulonocara species, Synodontis Catfish, and other mildly-aggressive Haps. At the end of the day, Upside Down Catfish need as much room to roam as possible. Oct 1, 2012. This is mostly because these fish enjoy the same water conditions. 5. Ideal tank mates include peaceful mid-to-top dwelling species like tetras or guppies. Siamese Algae Eater. 3) Fish that develop a taste for bichir 'slime' are not a good idea. Only males exhibit vibrant. 8, and the water hardness should be 4 to 15 KH. They feature a firm, bony head capsule extending from the backside to. It is native to Africa (Congo River Basin). You can also house them with small, peaceful livebearers like mollies, guppies, and platys. Featherfin squeaker tank mates. The best tank mates for strawberry peacock cichlids are non-aggressive fish that live in the same environment as the cichlids. Minimum Tank Size: 120 gallons. Recommended Freshwater Aquarium Fish Combinations: 1) Apistogramma Dwarf Cichlid and Green Neon Tetra. Larger African Tetras: Some larger African tetra species, like Congo tetras (Phenacogrammus interruptus), can be considered as tank mates for Frontosa cichlids. a 10" fish should be kept in a 75-100G tank and then there's adequate room for others as well. Examples of Incompatible Tank Mates. Or two cichlids, a male and a female, in a 20-gallon tank. Synodontis catfish; Leptobotia elongata loach; Kissing gourami; Salvin’s cichlid; Bad Tank Mates For Iridescent Shark. 5. In the aquarium Corydoras seem to have two modes, and. Ideal companions might include larger Tetras, Rasboras, Catfish, or similar-sized Loaches. So are rainbowfish and leopard bushfish. It inhabits Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, and Mozambique. African cichlids can make great tank mates for the pictus catfish. There are many factors to consider when choosing tank mates for your Angelfish. 66 - 9. 99!Salvini Cichlids Tank Mates. The recommended tank size for one adult Delhezi Bichir is 100 gal. Best. Tank size is crucial, with larger Cichlids needing at least a 30-gallon tank and smaller ones requiring a minimum of 20 gallons. Opt for similarly sized and temperament fish, such as other African Cichlids or robust species like Giant Danios, Congo Tetras, or Synodontis Catfish. synodontis petricola, also known as the pygmy leopard catfish, is a catfish which grows to a length of approximately 4 inches Native to Lake Tanganyika in Eastern Africa, this species is rare and highly sought amongst aquarists. The Electric Blue Acara is commonly found in pet shops and online stores catering to aquarium enthusiasts. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates. 5 to 8. Delhezi Bichir Tank Size. 5 to 8. The Striped Raphael Catfish have a cylindrical, arrow-shaped body with a flattened belly. Do not forget to make the water conditions suitable for them to thrive side by side. Tank Size. Other planting is beneficial but not essential. This site has been so helpful for my 55 gallon Mbuna tank that I wanted to ask some basic question about Synodontis multipunctatus catfish. It will cause no harm to the Paradise Fish. Hardness: 3-20° H. Since they are bottom-dwelling, the two species of fish pay no mind to one another and things are generally peaceful within the tank. 4) Guppies and Cherry Barbs. These aquarium catfish can reach almost 2 feet long and have a tall, wide dorsal fin. This catfish spawns by placing its eggs among those of mouthbrooding cichlids as it dines on the cichlids. Origin : Tank-bred, but indigenous to Lake Tanganyika, Africa. I've got 5 fry and currently are in a breeder trap at the top of my show tank. Even though the temperature is not a critical factor, but the Upside-Down. Sailfin Pleco. Synodontis eupterus is an upside-down species. This is what you hear people talk about most when it comes to this fish, and it’s for good reason. This fish belongs to the Mochokidae family, which includes over 200. It’s best to keep them in groups of at least four or five fish. Although the pictus catfish can live for quite a while, this is assuming you provide them with a good level of care. Their color schemes can include blue, yellow, gold, and orange, with iridescent hues on their skin. Description. Avoid housing Jewel Cichlids with smaller, slow-moving, or timid fish, as they. The ones I have pretty much stay hidden all the time unless there is food around. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Tank Mates & Full Details! April 10, 2020. This article will discuss what the best Electric Blue Jack Dempsey tank mates are when trying to find companions for your Electric Blue Jack. Maintain a temperature between 75°F and 82°F (24°C to 28°C) and a pH level around neutral (6. The genus Synodontis is by far the largest and most well known in the family, and dozens of species are available in the hobby, ranging in size from just a few cm to well over. Aquarium: A minimum 20-gallon tank is ideal for a single Upside Down Catfish, but a larger one is recommended if you plan on keeping tank mates. They have beautiful striped silver and black bodies with flat bellies. Family: Mochokidae. Synodontis angelicus tank mates. Synodontis eupterus. Iridescent Shark Lifespan. 5. OB1-CHEWY55 • 1 min. Temperature 72-82°F. African cichlids are found in rivers meaning they will appreciate a stronger current. Compatible With: African Cichlids. The water temperature should be 72° to 82°Fahrenheit (Around 75°F is ideal). In fact, they make great tank mates for most non-aggressive Mbunas and Haplochromines. Tank mates. They are also very sensitive to water fluctuations. 0) and a temperature of 80°F (26-27°C). Alberti or “Bigeye Squeaker” Catfish (Synodontis alberti) Size: 8 inches (20 cm) Minimum Tank Size: 55 gal (208 l)Synodontis eupterus. Red-Tailed Black SharksThe very best tank mates for Synodontis Petricola are Gourami Fish, Giant-sized Barbs, Loaches, Tetras, Rainbowfish, Bigger Danios, Pleco fish, and different catfish. Synodontis multipunctatus also called cuckoo squeaker catfish is a popular addition to cichlid tanks because not only. I am setting up another 55 gallon tank. Minimum tank size: 20 gallons for a school of four. That small tank size could pose an issue as your fish gets older. Suitable Tank Mates: Other African Cichlids: Species from the same region, such as Yellow Lab Cichlids or Blue Dolphin Cichlids , can usually coexist peacefully with bumblebee cichlids. Contents show 1 Care Guide 1. 5 to 4 inches from head to tail. Most other tank mates, both large and small, will get along fine as long as they. When it comes to the bottom feeders for a 5-gallon fish tank, Stone Catfish, snails (e. Water Temperature: 73 to 82 F. 2) African Cichlids and Synodontis Catfish. They can reach up to 30 cm. Based on this rule, tank mates may be selected. Synodontis catfish are bottom dwellers who would rather burry beneath rocks and tank decor than get into fights with cichlids; this is what makes them a good tank mate. (Litmus test! so not very accurate) I have never kept barbs, but have always been quite tempted. 5-7. Adults need a tank size that’s no less than 125 gallons. They prefer softer waters. Avoid Aggressive Tank Mates And Ornamental Invertebrates. Here are my syno tanks, 120 gal and 2x 55 gal, from 10 years ago. Their meal preferences change considerably throughout the day. Always avoid pairing your Iridescent shark with aggressive fish. Keep the water temperature between 75 – 79°F (24 to 26 ° C), with a pH range of 6. Upside-down catfish are small fish that reach an adult size of 3.