Plotplus. See the documentation in chapter 5 Note on using a set of gif images to make a movie about creating animations. Plotplus

 See the documentation in chapter 5 Note on using a set of gif images to make a movie about creating animationsPlotplus 4

At the risk of boring the user group, let me add a couple of notes on the Plotplus commands for axis customization that may not be generally known: ppl axlabp,labx,laby by using values of +1 or 0 the axis labelling can be moved to the top or right (+1), or supressed entirely (0). ZCAT_STR (sA, sB) concatenates string variables in the Z direction. In PyFerret, give the FRAME with a file type and file name. Hi Gary, There is a PlotPlus "Advanced Command" %yaxis that may work for you though there is limited control on the style of the labelling. nc" def axis/t=1:5:1 tax ; def grid/t=tax grd file/var=yy,mm,dd,vr1,vu1,vr2,vu2,vr3,vu3,vww,vsf,vuf/g=grd strand. The Users Guide has an index and table of contents. If the coordinates of the polygon vertices are available in 2-dimensional arrays, XPOLY and YPOLY, in which the axes of the arrays are the polygon vertices and the sequence of polygons the use of the POLYGON. The CDL file. Below is a listing of the functions provided by the pyferret module at this time along with a brief description of the function. (Ferret v7. COM. Beginning with Ferret v6. There are a number of hard limits and settings in the Ferret code: the number of variables that may be defined, the number of datasets open at a time, the length of certain strings, etc. 4. 1 watching Forks. 8. The Kingfisher Liq Maps. By default it is named ferret. . TCAT_STR (sA, sB) concatenates string variables in the T direction. POLYGON/LINE/COLOR=. de // Das Original Edewechter Landstraße 121 Oldenburg AUSGEZEICHNET. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. It takes the form /LEVELS=levels_descriptor /LEVELS without an argument /LEVELS instructs Ferret to reuse the color levels from the last color plot /LEVELS=n specifying a simple numerical. Valid arguments for /FORMAT=. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. 2. Is there any other way to do this aside from using the plotplus color command to redefine the line colours? Hi Gaorz, I think that the problem is that with the definition you use to define the mixed layer depth there are places in the ocean where due to sparce data (or missing but improperly flagged data), where the mixed layer value turns out to be very big. 2. PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. You can contact the company at 011 952 9900. If this looks at all promising you will need to look at the %xaxis command in the "Advanced Command" chapter of the Plotplus manual. In general the FRAME command is more flexible and we recommend its use rather than this qualifier. Create an empty grid with the desired structure in a file. The commands will be in capital letters; FERRET prompts for input with the word "yes?" The images shown are drawn using PyFerret. . With this plugin you can change time and weather on your PlotMe plot. Symbols may be edited and checked using the same controls that apply to journal file arguments. Languages. SAVE/OUTTYPE= overrides all other settings, for this SAVE command only. 32 KiB. For netCDF files, including those accessed via DODS, SHOW DATA/XML and SHOW DATA/VAR/XML list information about the file and variables as xml-style output. 3. N need not be a power of 2. Files containing record length information are created by FORTRAN programs using the ACCESS="SEQUENTIAL" (the FORTRAN default) mode of file creation and also by Ferret using LIST/FORMAT=unf. Dining Options. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. Hi Graham, While someone may have a tidier solution, here is a way to do it using the Plotplus commands that underlie Ferret Example: def axis/x=-5:5:1 xax ; def axis/y=-5:5:1 yax ; def grid/x=xax/y=yax grd shade x[g=grd]+y[g=grd] This produces a plot with the usual box-type axes and x & y axes extending from -5. Examples: This function is called by the script frequency_histogram2. Hi Richard, Your syntax is not correct but, depending on how the initial plot was drawn, there is another quirk of ALINE that can cause unexpected results. 4 ADVANCED MOVIE-MAKING. 3. section7_regression. , 2009; Walker et al. The vector is oriented in the X direction. See the chapter "Customizing Plots" for. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. 6. x 2. The maxima are listed along the X axis: j=1 contains the X locations of the points, j=2 contains the Y coordinates of the points, and j=3 contains the function values at the maxima. de bieten wir Ihnen S/W- und Farbplots ebenso wie Schnittmuster-Plots. There are three steps required to convert data to netCDF if your data is not already readable by Ferret: 1. PPLUS label commands. e. These are Ferret external functions written in Python, and make use of the ESMP Python module that uses ESMF functionality for regridding. FILL_XY (data, mask,n) is a low order 2-dimensional fill utility. PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. xml /APPEND /CLOBBER. 10. This allows for easy generation. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. You’ll find great deals for every budget on brands you. The Kingfisher is the only service showing you areas where a high density of liquidations will take place. The Network Common Data Format (NetCDF) is an interface to a library of data access routines for storing and retrieving scientific data. plotplus. WIRE /SET_UP. Ferret Tour; DSG files:. For example, X [GX=0. When /LINE is specified the color key, by default, is omitted. Hoyle, >Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 12:47:16 -0500 >From: address@hidden (hoyle lee) >Organization: Columbia University >To: address@hidden >Subject: Re: 970214: NetCDF. DAYS1900TOYMDHMS (day1900) Converts Julian days since 1-Jan-1900 to values year, month, day, hour, minute, second. Last modified: Fri, 07/27/2018 - 09:37. LANCZOS. site. /pp time set [time] : Set [time] on your plot (time is in ticks) /pp time reset : Reset time on your plot. de« in schwarz-weiß & Farbe freie Formatwahl Pläne plotten & falten lassen Expressdruck Jetzt online bestellen! Menü 0800 552 00 00 0800 552 00 00 - Kostenlose Beratung Mo. Ferret expressions can contain embedded IF-THEN-ELSE logic. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. This positioning is relative to the plot axes, treating them as a unit square. There are also functions to move data between Python and the Ferret. getServer(); CreatureSpawnEvent event = new CreatureSpawnEvent ( entity, spawnReason); craftServer. View code README. Track lines, "point data", etc. 5. 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. Plotting library compatible with Sloeber IDE and SimPlot The Sloeber Eclipse Plugin provides a 6 channels plotter interface base on the SimPlot packet format: this. business. Graphics in PyFerret - New graphics options and display windows. Packages 0. getPluginManager(). PyFerret command syntax: quick-start notes - These notes identify ways in which Pyferret command syntax differs from or extends Ferret command syntax. The current image is scaled to the desired size when saving it. If you try this demo you may not like the fact that the first and last year are curtailed. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. CAD Plots auf »plotplus. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. The SPAWN function executes a Unix system command or set of commands, and returns the result in a string array. de. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. Profiles and time series, although they are individually simple one-dimensional grids, have a non-gridded. The command could be placed in a . PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. login file the Unix C-shell command. There are a few symbols, generated automatically by drawing plots or at Ferret run-time. ORG. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. 6 implement automated handling of the Discrete Sampling Geometries standard in netCDF-CF. Both don't really make sense to me. Search PMEL1. Ferret Tour. The PATTERN command sets the patterns to be used in a plot generated with the SHADE, FILL and POLYGON commands. PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. 5. (See Plotplus Plus: Enhancements to Plotplus. These only difference between these two versions is that v6. Often in Ferret command files the identical argument substitutions must be repeated at several points in the file. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. If ZCAT is called with string arguments, Ferret runs ZCAT_STR. 系統:win10 64bits Arduino IDE: 1. ECAT_STR (sA, sB) concatenates string variables in the X direction. CAD Plots sind großformatige Drucke, zum Beispiel Baupläne, Grundrisse, technische Zeichnungen, TGA Zeichungen, Konsturuktionspläne, Schnittmuster. 6 SAMPLE DATA SETS. Ferret has several visualization tools that specifically address the needs of Lagrangian data. Show more activity. Variables are of 2 kinds: 1) file variables. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. The ability to define new variables lies at the heart of the computational power that Ferret provides. When using /SET_UP, follow the PPL CONTOUR (or PPL FILL) command with a CONTOUR/OVERLAY command to draw contour lines on the plot. produces a summary of a variable. SIZE Sets size of entire plotting region. MFþÊóMÌËLK-. , @MA01 plots the first symbol in MATH and @MA12 will plot the twelfth symbol. No packages published . FRAME /XPIXELS= /YPIXELS=. Executes the PPLUS command "CROSS" and immediately returns control to Ferret. CAD Plots auf »plotplus. Font changes (of the form @XX) can be imbedded in any label string (e. These plots will be published, as is, in the annual Field Operations Report. The Fprint script translates metafiles to Encapsulated PostScript or X-window output. This isan experimental feature and not fully supported. 5. If negative values are given for the label heights hx or hy then the values are multiplied by -1 before writing. Description: Demonstration of external functions for Fast Fourier Transforms: The functions operate on the full time axis from the input grid without requiring the explicit time specification; if a subset of time is desired, specify that within the function call, see the Ferret documentation about Grid Changing Functions. You can contact the company by email at cisco@mics. Follow their code on GitHub. So the second question is: how do you communicate local information between ferret and plotplus?PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. PlotPlus plots of stations/operations using a logical grouping chosen by the Chief Scientist (plot by station, gear type, experiment, etc. Plotplus bietet höchste Qualität in den Bereichen CAD-Plot, Posterdruck, Plan Scanservice und Digi plotplus. 4) additional symbols are defined, and are referenced using PLOT/SYMBOL=name. Various Python objects and pyferret methods have been created which interact with the Ferret "engine" at the heart of PyFerret. spk", for example, emphasizes the contrast between positive and negative. Note: You do not need to open the file in Ferret before running the nco function, and if you have opened. The fact that LAS is complaining about these symbols not being found means that PlotPlus didn't generate the plot. The RD command reads the data. g. Check out the latest issue of Farming for Wildlife and learn more about Kennys' Quest!PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. The data set contains the annual average value of ocean temperature and salinity at 20 levels to 5000 meters, over the world ocean. , 2001; Gaschen et al. Python functions and constants provided by the pyferret module. 4 LABELS. 4 DEFINING NEW VARIABLES. /pp weather rain : Set rain on your plot. ppc files rather than . LANCZOS (A, F1, F2, N ) Returns the argument, bandpass-filtered in time using a Lanczos filter. Many palettes are included in the Ferret distribution. Some of these limits have been relaxed with successive Ferret versions as computing resources have expanded. POLYGON/PALETTE=pal_name var. This only needs to be done once in. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. Below is an annotated version of the script palette_demo. In response to the discussion between Tim Holt and Ethan Alpert about what the OarS conventions really mean, I thought I would try to give a little bit of insight into the rationale behind the OarS approach and the 4D variable concept. In straightforward conversion operations where ASCII or unformatted binary data files are already readable by Ferret, the conversion to direct access, self-describing netCDF formatted data can be accomplished by Ferret itself. Ferret v6. The types are the NetCDF types DOUBLE, FLOAT, INT, SHORT, and BYTE. Note on using a set of gif images to make a movie. There are additional arguments for positioning > the x and y tics > ppl tics,smx,lgx,smy,lgy,IX,IY > IX and IY are 1,0,-1 for tics inside, straddling, and outside the axis > with -1 as default. To specify an argument that is deliberately omitted, use " " or two consecutive commas. 1 Three-argument (curvilinear) version of SHADE, FILL, CONTOUR, and VECTOR . Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. Here is a demo - cut and paste it into a ferret session to see how it works. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. For example: ! Set up your plot PLOT/SET_UP/I=1:100 SIN(I/6) ! Remove label 1, the FERRET version number GO unlabel 1 !7. This is precisely analogous to method 3 of handling collections of profiles. Ferret supports collections of netCDF files that are regarded as a single netCDF data set. 9. ipynb . SET TEXT /FONT=. PlotPlus . 96 is a minor update to v6. Produces a shorter listing involving less computation. PLOT/ SYMBOL=DOT. The EOFSVD functions all make the same computations, returning different portions of the results. 3. For simplicity this demo will work with abstract. For example:! Set up your plot PLOT/SET_UP/I=1:100 SIN(I/6) ! Remove label 1, the FERRET version number GO unlabel 1 !Words in bold below are defined in the glossary of this manual. SHAKEY do_key, orient, klab_siz, klab_inc, klab_dig, klab_len, kx_lo, kx_hi, ky_lo, ky_hi. The specified type is applied to all the variables given in the SAVE command. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. FAQ section discusses many topics where questions often arise. One addition to Mick's excellent reply, just a note that the ppl commands are all documented in this on-line document:. 1) SET DATA/FORMAT=free (default for SET DATA/EZ) To use the format "free" a file must consist entirely of numerical data separated by commas, blanks or tabs. By using The Kingfisher’s liquidation maps, you can. This is called the Ferret journal file. Below is an annotated version of the script ef_eof_demo. If SET MODE METAFILE is issued in PyFerret, it will issue a NOTE, and continue. The resulting file will have the desired axis ordering. plotplus. Those are price zones of high liquidity, fast price action, and general confusion for those not expecting them. ) 看完这章之后对这个 from…import * 语句与 import 区别很是疑惑从别处看完解释理解如下。. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. 2. 7 SIGMA COORDINATE DATA. 10. The RHEL6 and Ubuntu-14. 10. (See Plotplus Plus: Enhancements to Plotplus. jnl can plot or overlay continent,national, and state boundaries, and also major and secondary rivers and international marine boundaries. 2) with qualifiers to the command name (slash-delimited) 3) with qualifiers to variable names (in square brackets, comma-delimited) If SET REGION is. 3. 00 964 votes plotplus. 2 SIMPLE CONVERSIONS USING FERRET. 8. I'd rather avoid doing the labelling by > hand, if possible. Beginning with Ferret v6. Recently the servers who didn't install PlotMe in the past is out of luck! PlotMe has been discontinued Hello ladies and gentlemen today I will be requesting a plugin. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. 2. This syntax is especially useful in creating masks that can be used to perform calculations over regions of arbitrary shape. 6. The PlotPlus library can either use the Arduino hardware Serial (used by default) or any other stream, like SoftwareSerial or Serial2 to send the information to the plotting device. de« in schwarz-weiß & Farbe freie Formatwahl Pläne plotten & falten lassen Expressdruck Jetzt online bestellen! Menü 0800 552 00 00 0800 552 00 00 . 6. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. The GO command understands a. Installing or Building PyFerret. Plotter++. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. FINDLO. Ferret Fortran external functions call a number of subroutines defined in Ferret, such as ef_set_desc, ef_set_num_args, and ef_get_bad_flags. PK SkF META-INF/MANIFEST. plotplus Favorit rabattcode: Ali Express Black Week! Sparen Sie mit Aktionscodes bis zu 80 %. The PlotPlus LOG axis transforms (PPL AXTYPE) are not applicable to the 2D plots (CONTOUR,VECTOR,SHADE, and FILL). creates a line plot of a Lagrangian variable where the zero line of. The new variable will have attributes such as units and title automatically defined from the existing one. Note: Note: This is a grid-changing function. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration United States Department of Commerce. zip. co. > Your use of the "ppl tics" command is not in accordance with > the Plotplus manual. use: Allow player to use the plugin - plotplus. The region in space and time where expressions are evaluated may be specified in 3 different ways: 1) with the command SET REGION. 32 KiB. Beginning with Ferret v6. Plotplus bietet höchste Qualität in den Bereichen CAD-Plot, Posterdruck, Plan Scanservice und Digi Tarlton Electric & Clothing is working in Household appliances and goods, Electronic stores activities. Plotplus. 775. Release Date. 90%. The specified type is applied to all the variables given in the SAVE command. PlotPlus computer files should be submitted to the FOCI Coordinator. Hi; I have a set of 3D (lat/long/time) data (ice margins) that I want to contour (without filling) with the same colour scheme as the palette used for some time-dependent point data that is being plotted with polymark. Using the pyferret. Those are price zones of high liquidity, fast price action, and general confusion for those not expecting them. Alternatively, any file name can be used if the GIF format is. In PyFerret, make font and text-style settings with the SET TEXT command. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. Hi Pam, It looks like you need to access the PlotPlus users manual to answer a number of your questions. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. Last modified: Mon, 07/10/2017 - 12:58. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. File Size. The former will list the 10th through 20th data values indices from the entire I range of both variables. Documentation section, including release notes, this manual which is updated. All palettes consist of a list of RGB color values and associated with each RGB value another value that determines how to map the color onto the "Z axis" of the plot. For example, SIN(x), where x is a pseudo-variable. The response of Ferret to errors encountered during execution of the command file is determined by mode IGNORE_ERRORS. Below is an annotated version of the script land_detail_demo. (read from disk files or remote URLs) 2) user-defined variables. A quick reference to the most commonly used Ferret commands (typing "SHOW COMMANDS" at the Ferret prompt lists all commands): Command. yes? PPL CROSS 1 !reference line through zero. jnl. PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. 5 Arduino開發板:UNO. of the key drawn with SHADE and FILL commands. EOF_TFUNC (A, FRAC_TIMESER) Compute EOF time amplitude functions from x-y-z-time field w/gaps. XWeather - New Weather Types for Minecraft [Plugin]Hi Gary, I suspect the problem is that you read in the data along the (default) X axis but then try to assign them to the T axis. 6, and Ubuntu version 14. 5, like previous versions for many years, is linked with OPeNDAP libraries for netCDF and OPeNDAP dataset. SHADE/ KEY. STATISTICS/ BRIEF. jnl"script after setting up your plot. Is there any other way to do this aside from using the plotplus color command to redefine the line colours?Hi Gaorz, I think that the problem is that with the definition you use to define the mixed layer depth there are places in the ocean where due to sparce data (or missing but improperly flagged data), where the mixed layer value turns out to be very big. Such data sets are referred to as "MC" (multi CDF) data sets. 1 ; ppl fill rather than the simple "fill airkm" will save the day. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. 2. These pyferret methods, or methods in these Python objects, perform the most common operations. Detailed control is possible over most aspects of Ferret graphical outputs. . A more complete listing and complete descriptions of the functions can be found using the Python help command. callEvent( event); return event; } So either the entities CraftServer or its getBukkitEntity is null. When the STAT command runs, ferret automatically defines a set of Symbols which. The procedure for creating a GIF image is nearly identical to the creation of a single frame of an HDF file. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. The latter will list all of the data that results from concatenating b [i=1:5] onto a [i=16:20]. PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. You can contact the company by email at cisco@mics. You can use the command "ppl %xaxis" and "ppl %yaxis" as defined in the plotplus manual under Advanced Commands. Solution: The figure above was created with:. (note that HDF movies are discontinued with Ferret V6. Ferret sorting demo (1) Ferret sorting demo (2) Fast Fourier Transforms. This release includes pre-built binaries for Linux and Mac OSX. Variable on the source rectilinear grid. Ferret Tour; DSG files: Discrete Sampling Geometries Demo; External Function Examples. 6 implements automatic handling of datasets which use the Discrete Sampling Geometries standard for CF. To: Mick Spillane <spillane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Subject: Re: Labels on right axis of PLOT plot, and "go black"; From: Ansley Manke <ansley@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2002 10:11:25 -0700; Cc: Gary Strand <strandwg@xxxxxxxx>, Ferret Users Mailing List <ferret_users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> References:. 7. de können Sie CAD-Grafikplots in verschiedenen Formaten und Papierarten online bestellen und mit Bestpreisgarantie, Expressversand und kostenlosem. If you really want to use the hlimits values in your example you must first turn off the calendar axis use monthly_navy_winds can mode calendar plot/hlimits=17598. - Breakout trade. PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. ferret - the Ferret initialization file. Note: This is a grid-changing function. See Chapter 9 of the CF standard for the details. Ch6 Sec5. 5. From: Ansley Manke; Previous by thread: suppress the label "DATA SET: filename" at top of a contour plot; Next by thread: Re: Hard copy of Plotplus Character and Symbol Fonts [Thread Prev][Thread Next] -plotplus. They can be executed with the command "GO filename". com durchsuchen. (note that HDF movies are discontinued with Ferret V6. Google stars. Use COADS sea surface data at a location where some of the data is. The domain ownership change will be made within a day. When putting a label on a plot with a time axis, the location of the label using time coordinates only works if the. NetCDF allows the creation of data sets that are self-describing and network-transparent. The names of all these subroutines begin with ef_ and, of course, in Fortran are case-insensitive. Last modified: Tue, 03/28/2017 - 14:53. "centered. By default the function includes the -O and -h switches, for Override and history respectively. As you continue your tour, you'll see exactly the commands that control Ferret. Find Plot Plus stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Stars. But from the sample data records you supplied you may have two other issues in mind 1) the longitude and latitude values have hemisphere indicated with N,S,E,W whereas Ferret needs numbers only 2) there are values. If running Ferret v6. 2. PLOTPLUS HISTORY, EVOLUTION; ENHANCED COMMANDS DESCRIPTION; GKS LINE BUNDLES; HARD COPY; Previous Release Notes; Tutorials and Demos. 10 SYMBOL EDITING. DEFINE VARIABLE/ LIKE=var. For example, a plot of NO3 burden versus latitude could be produced with the command. In the documentation, items in square brackets are optional.